Board of Directors Approved 04/05/01


March 1, 2001

Present: Chesarek, Gemmer, French, Koch, Olsen, Fell, Varady, Forristall, Brooks, Bond, Sottana

Excused: Anthony

The meeting commenced at 6:35 p.m.

Board Minutes of February 1, 2001

Fell motioned to approve, Varady seconded. The motion carried.

Treasurer's Report


Membership Sales & Notations

Prospective Member Tamiette: Gemmer motioned to approve, Olsen seconded. The motion carried.

Prospective Member Kivela: Varady motioned to approve, Olsen seconded. The motion carried.

Prospective Member McGuire: Forristall motioned to approve, Gemmer seconded. The motion carried.

The Board of Directors took note of one new Notice To Sell and three reductions in the selling price of memberships. The notices will be effective for sale Friday, March 2, 2001.


Green: The Tree Program is progressing and the bunker work is going well. Communication between tee #1 and the golf pro shop will be installed in the near future. Story is still short two to three employees.

Golf: The committee is concerned over the lack of respect regarding the restrictions to the cart paths and driving range during the winter months. The committee will develop a letter giving a detailed explanation to the meaning of the signs "Cart Path Only"and "Mats Only." The Golf Committee will present the letter to the Green Committee to enlist their support prior to notifying members. The Board of Directors would like Sherman to review the correction procedure for members who violate the restrictions with Chesarek prior to implementing the program. Chesarek will mention minors driving golf carts to the Golf Pro.

House: The new Terrace entry carpet is showing wear and continues to be a concern. Estimates for dimmers on the Ballroom chandeliers will be available in mid-March.

Tennis: Blue prints to repair the Tennis facility observation deck were presented to the Board of Directors. Fell motioned that Buildings & Grounds put the drawing out to bid. French seconded, the motion carried. The Buildings & Grounds committee is to submit the bids at the April Board of Directors meeting.

The Board of Directors is requesting that the Tennis Pro post a notice during tournament season for members to call ahead to reserve a court to avoid all courts being used by tournament participants.

F&B/Social: The Board of Directors has asked to book the Tim Wallace Band for NYE 2002. Table tents are being used to advertize events.

B&G: The committee has a bid to re-plaster and tile the pool. The committee will check with Capozzo to assure funds are available before scheduling the work. The ten ton A/C unit for the Terrace building is inefficient and not running full capacity. The committee is recommending two 5 ton units. These new units with higher efficiency will pay for themselves in three to four years. The committee has an estimate for acoustical work in the Terrace.

Pool: Lockers have been ordered for the pool house. An ad will be placed in the KEY for "season rentals available." The fence at the children play area needs to be repaired as there is a potential for children to crawl under the fence and wander into the parking lot.

Energy Surcharge

The Board of Directors would like the General Manager to consider an energy surcharge per person for functions held at the Club. The Board would like a recommendation from the General Manager at the April Board meeting.

Old & New Business

Voice Mail: Olsen requested that the General Manager research voice mail for the Club. The Board of Directors asked French to assist.

Martin Luther King: The Board of Directors approved to recognize this day as a Club holiday.

Ekland Architect Contract: The Club will have a final payment of $4,000 to close the contract with Ekland Architect. Koch motioned to approve, French seconded. The motion carried.

Member Correspondence: A request for a leave of absence from membership due to being out of the country. The Board declined the request.

Yolo Flyers: A donation request for a foursome with or without carts to be used as a prize during their Men's Invitations in May 2001. They will reciprocate on the same basis. The Board of Directors forwarded the request to the Golf Committee. Varady motioned to approve Yolo Flyers request should it be agreeable with the GVCC Golf Committee. Forristall seconded, the motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted,

Jeff Olsen, Secretary


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